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Additional Resources

There are many useful external resources available to help you navigate college life. See below for some helpful links.

The Central Applications Office (CAO)  

The CAO processes applications for undergraduate programmes in Irish Higher Education Institutions. However, it is important to remember that participating institutions retain the function of making decisions on admissions.


Qualifax is the National Learner’s Database and acts as a ‘one stop shop’ for learners. It provides a comprehensive database of further and higher education and training courses. The site includes a very informative section on the role of the parent or guardian in the career decision making process.

Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI

SUSI is Ireland’s national awarding authority for all higher education and further education grants.

The site includes a very useful tool that allows you to quickly and easily self-assess whether the student may be entitled to a grant.

Department of Education and Skills 

This site provides information about the range of services and initiatives provided by the Department for the whole education sector. It has a dedicated section for parents.

Careers Portal

Careers Portal is one of Ireland’s leading career guidance websites.  It provides the most up-to-date and relevant career information and resources to those needing or providing career guidance.