Dr Patrick Buckland

Research interests
My research interests are leadership and organisational behaviour, specifically gender in terms of how women view their career progression and leadership role. My research takes a social psychological perspective and explores the perceived realities that women face in the work force.
I also have an interest in the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education, its potential to personalise learning and address educational disparities, while also tackling the challenges of the digital divide and ensuring ethical use.
More information
2006 Higher Certificate of Business Studies (South East Technological University)
2015 Bacholar of Business (Hons) (South East Technological University)
2017 Master of Business in Lean Practice (South East Technological University)
2021 Ph.D. Business (South East Technological University)
Ph.D Thesis, An Exploration of the Career Social Mobility Beliefs of Senior Female Academic Leaders: A Social Identity Approach
Buckland, P., Higgs, M., O’Riordan, C., Kelliher, F. and Flood, P.C. (2019), ‘Chapter 2: The Outsider Concept and Outsider Leader: A Literature Review’, In: C. O’Riordan, F. Kelliher, P. C. Flood, M. Higgs (eds) Outsider Leadership Insights and Interviews from Business Leaders, Palgrave Macmillan, UK.
Buckland, P.J., O’Riordan, C. and Kelliher, F., 2023. What do I do? A Categorisation of Informal Leadership Activities Among Female Professors. The Irish Journal of Management.
Buckland, P.J., O’Riordan, C. and Kelliher, F., 2024. 'The Looking Glass: How Irish Female Professors Perceive Their Informal Leadership Roles', In: B. Mooney (eds) Ireland’s Education Yearbook 2023, Education Matters, Ireland.
Conference Papers:
Buckland, P., O’ Riordan, C., Kelliher, F., Flood, P.C. (2018) The False Summit: An Exploration of the Challenges Faced by Women in Senior Leadership Roles. Irish Academy of Management Conference proceedings, UCC, Cork, Sept 3-5.
Buckland, P., O’ Riordan, C., Kelliher, F., Flood, P.C. (2019) Characterising Informal Female Professorial Academic Leadership: An Emerging Concept. Irish Academy of Management Conference proceedings, National College of Ireland, Dublin, Aug 28-30.
Buckland, P., O’ Riordan, C., Kelliher, F., Flood, P.C. (2021) Exploring Female Professors Beliefs of the Meritocratic System in Academic Promotion. Irish Academy of Management proceedings, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Aug 25-26.
Buckland, P (2019) A Thematic Exploration of the Perceived Barriers Experienced by Supervisors During Lean Transformations. Lean Business Ireland Awards, Oct 17th [Unpublished]
Buckland, P. (2020) An Exploration of The Career Social Mobility Beliefs of Senior Female Academic Leaders: A Social Identity Perspective. BYU Marriott Business School Research Seminar. Brigham Young University, Utah, USA, Jan 31st (presentation)
Buckland, P (2021) An Exploration of the Career Social Mobility Beliefs of Senior Female Academic Leaders: A Social Identity Approach. PhD thesis, South East Technological University, Waterford, Ireland, https://repository.wit.ie/id/…
2019: Best Paper Award (Doctoral Colloquium) Irish Academy of Management Conference, National College of Ireland.
2019: Irish-British Academy of Management Doctoral Colloquium Scholar 2019
2020: Finalist for the Lean Business Ireland Awards in the research category.