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Dr Fíodhna Gardiner-Hyland

Dr Fíodhna Gardiner-Hyland

B Ed, TEFL, MA (Ed) & PhD

Research interests

Fiodhna Gardiner-Hyland is a lecturer in language and literacy education at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick. Having begun her career as a teacher in Gaelscoil Eoghain Uí Thuairisc, Carlow, she moved to work internationally – as a primary school teacher; language  co-ordinator of a private British school; ESL lecturer and literacy module co-ordinator across five U.A.E. colleges of education and Middle Eastern ESL consultant with the World Learning Organization/SIT, Oxford University Press and British Council.

With a PhD in Teacher Education Pedagogy for EFL Literacy Teaching (2010), Fíodhna received the inaugural Sheikh Nahayan doctoral fellowship award in association with 'The International Research Foundation' (TIRF), Monterey, California, U.S.A. She was subsequently invited to chair TESOL Arabia’s Young Learner’s Special Interest Group of 2,000 members across the Middle East. Having returned to Ireland in 2011, she began working in Mary Immaculate College and was a finalist in the Shannon Consortium Award for 'Excellence in Higher Education Teaching and Learning', University of Limerick. In 2014 she directed a national children's literature conference 'Buzzing with Books: Celebrating Children's Engagement with Literature' in collaboration with Frostburg State University, Maryland, NCCA, COGG; Early Childhood Ireland and PDST. 

Over her academic career, Fiodhna's academic and curriculum development work has been supported with international/national funding of €210,000. She has supervised 120+ undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations in EFL/ESL pedagogy and general language and literacy education and has delivered 85+ national and international presentations and workshops, conference papers and colloquiums. Her research and presentations focus on interactive reading pedagogy for young ELLs (e.g. shared reading, story sacks and picture books); oral language pedagogy and contexts for developing oral language with young ELLs; contextualising ESL: policy and practice and impact of teacher education pedagogy on reading teacher identities. She has published with MacMillan, Sage, TESOL Arabia and Routledge and has co-edited a book with Dr. Helen Emery, Cardiff Metropolitan University  on 'Contextualising EFL for Young Learners: International Perspectives on Policy, Practice and Procedures'. 

Fiodhna is currently involved in collaborative research, focusing on teachers' perceptions of supporting language and literacy development of pupils with EAL in Irish Primary Schools. She has begun to explore the implications of her research for developing second language and literacy modules within teacher education undergraduate and post-graduate programmes. In 2018, she wrote teacher guides and resources for the 'Starlight' Online Interactive Primary English Programme: Infant Classes with Folens Publishers to support the Primary Language Curriculum (2015).  She is passionate about second language and literacy constructivist, interactive pedagogies and empowering teachers to maximize learning for EAL learners. For the year 2019-2020, Fíodhna is being seconded to the Curriculum Development Unit/Transforming Education through Dialogue Project, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick as Project Leader of TED/EAL across the ‘Oscailt’ schools network in Limerick city. 

More information

Selected Research, Publications, Awards and Memberships:

A. Edited Books

Emery, H. and Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2012). ‘Contextualizing EFL for Young Learners: International Perspectives on Policy, Practice and Procedures, Dubai: TESOL Arabia; available online, ISBN: 978-9948-8558-6-6,

B. Refereed Book Chapters and Journal Articles

In Preparation

Gardiner-Hyland, F. and Horgan, K. (In Prep.). Lesson planning made realistic: A guide for prospective primary ESL teachers, in: ‘Early Language Learning and Teacher Education’ volume, edited by Subhan Zein and Sue Garton, Multilingual Matters.



  1. Horgan, K. and Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2019). Irish Student Teachers’ Beliefs about Self, Learning and Teaching: A Longitudinal Study. European Journal of Teacher Education, 42:2, 151-174, DOI: 10.1080/02619768.2019.1576625, Taylor and Francis Publications, online available:
  2. Gardiner-Hyland, F. and Burke, P. (2018). ''It's very hard to know how much is the EAL and how much is the learning  difficulty'': Challenging in organizing support for EAL learners in Irish primary schools. LEARN Journal, Vol. 40, Chapter 3, pp. 54-64, Dublin: Irish Learning Support Association.
  3. Horgan, K, Howard, S. and Gardiner-Hyland, F. (Sept. 2018). Pre-service teachers and Stress during Microteaching: An Experimental Investigation of the Effectiveness of Relaxation Training with Biofeedback on Psychological and Physiological Indices of Stress. In Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Vol. 43, Issues 3, pp.217-225, Springer Publications:
  4. Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2014).Exploring the Impact of Teacher Education Pedagogy on EFL Reading Teacher Identities: A United Arab Emirates Case, in ‘Teaching and Learning English in the Arabic-Speaking World’, pp.83-100. In Bailey, K. and Damerow, R. (Eds.), New York: Routledge, online available:
  5. Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2012). In my Reading Classroom: Emirati Student Teachers Constructing Teaching Styles in the College Classroom, in ‘Contextualizing EFL for Young Learners: International Perspectives on Policy, Practice and Procedures, Emery, H. and Gardiner-Hyland, F., Dubai: TESOL Arabia, ISBN: 978-9948-8558-6-6, online available:
  6. Hyland, F. (2010). A Musical Approach to Shared Reading: effects upon English Vocabulary Acquisition in an Arabic Environment, in ‘Developing Oral Skills in English: Theory, Research and Pedagogy’, Jendli, A., Coombe, C. and Miled, N., pp.193-207, Dubai: TESOL Arabia, ISBN: 978-9948-8566-1-0, online available:
  7. Hyland, F. and Malmaith, S. (2010). Read Aloud Experiences in a Second Language Arabic Context: Effects upon Vocabulary Acquisition, in ‘Developing Oral Skills in English: Theory, Research and Pedagogy’, Jendli, A., Coombe, C. and Miled, N., pp. 125-143, Dubai: TESOL Arabia, ISBN: 978-9948-8566-1-0, online available:
  8. Beatty, K. Hyland, F. Hyland, P. and Kelly, K. (2009). Creating a Reading Culture: Four Perspectives, in Journal of Research in Education (JRE), Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 97-113, Eastern Educational Research Association, Sage Publications.
  9. Hyland, F. (2008). Modeling the use of Electronic books to engage young EFL Readers in a Teacher Education Methodology Course in the U.A.E, in Educational Technology in the Arabian Gulf: Theory, Research and Pedagogy, Stephenson, L. and Davidson, P., pp. 42-57, Dubai: TESOL Arabia, ISBN: 9948-8566-7-8, online available:
  10. Hyland, F. (2007). Working with Learners: Shaping and Contextualizing a Teacher Education Methodology Course in the UAE, in Teacher Education and Continuing Professional Development: Insights from the Arabian Gulf, TESOL Arabia, online available:…

C. Professional Articles

  1. Gardiner-Hyland, F.  (2018).  Shared Reading Guide. Starlight: Online Primary English Programme, Dublin: Folens Publications.
  2. Gardiner-Hyland, (2013). Using Electronic books to engage Young Readers, InTouch Magazine, Issue No. 133, pp.54-55, Dublin: INTO, ISSN: 1393-4813.
  3. Gardiner-Hyland, F. and O’Shea, J. (2013). Displays for the Primary School Classroom, InTouch Magazine, Issue 137, pp.50-51, INTO Publication, ISSN: 1393-4813.
  4. Gardiner-Hyland, (2011). 10 ways to encourage beginning reading in an Emirati home, Read Magazine, Issue 3, pp.2-4, Dubai: International Printing Press, ISSN: 2221-3740.
  5. Hyland, F. (2007). Story Sacks: An exciting way of bringing books to life!  InTouchMagazine, pp.53-55, INTO, ISSN: 1393-4813.
  6. Hyland, F. (2005). Shared Reading: making it work in the Second language Classroom, Classroom Connections Journal, Volume 1, Issue 1, HCT Press.
  7. Hyland, F. (2005). Using story Sacks during Shared Reading in the EFL Classroom, Classroom Connections Journal, Volume 1, Issue 2, HCT Press.
  8. Hyland, F. (2005). Story sacks for the EFL Learner: An exciting way of bringing books to life! Classroom Connections Journal, Volume 1, Issue 2, HCT Press.
  9. Hyland, F. (2005). Bringing in the Parents: How Shared Reading can help foster a learning community, Classroom Connections Journal Journal, Volume 1, Issue 1, HCT Press.
  10. Hyland, F. (2005).The Concept of Shared Reading, in Gulf News

D. Research-informed Curriculum Development Writing

1. Gardiner-Hyland (Jan, 2019; Sept. 2018; July, 2018). Resources for Teaching EALs. Embracing Diversity, Nurturing Integration: Learning for Life Project in collaboration with the Department of Justice Asylum Migration Integration Fund (AMIF), The Transforming Education Through Dialogue Partnership and Curriculum Development Unit, Mary Immaculate College; Mary Immaculate College’s TED/EDNIP summer school (July, 2018); The Teaching Council of Ireland’s Féilte Conference and the Mother Tongues Organization.

2. Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2018) 'Starlight'An Online Interactive Primary English Programme for Junior Infants to Second Class: Literacy schemes and teacher guides. Dublin: FOLENS Publications,

3. Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2012). ‘Classroom Management Module, in MacMillan Young Learners Brainwave Online Teacher Development Programme’, International Primary Market, MacMillan Education Publications: http://www.macmillanyounglear… (Peer-reviewed).

E. Electronic Media


1. Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2015). Contributor to the ‘Literacy in L2 Learning reference list’, TIRF website:… 19.1.15 .

2. Gardiner-Hyland, (2012). Interview with Chair of the International Research Foundation, in TIRF Today, Vol. 3, Issue 8, p.1, online available:

3. Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2010). Chair of Young Learner’s Special Interest Group, TESOL Arabia:

4. Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2009). Reading Approaches for the EFL Classroom: the Role of the Teacher Educator, Used by the Future Light Orphanage,

5. Gardiner-Hyland. F. (2008). Sheikh Nahayan, bin Mubarak Al Nahyan Doctoral Fellowship Award, The International Research Foundation, Monterey, California, U.S.A., online available:… and the University of Leicester, UK, online available:

6. Hyland, F. (2006). Shared Reading for EFL Teachers Pamphlet, used by Professional & Continuing Education, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington,

F. Current Collaborative Research Projects

O’Boyle, A., O’Keefe, A. and Gardiner-Hyland, F. (In Prep.). Oracy in Schools, North and South (OiS): the perceptions, experiences and practices of Oracy in primary and post-primary schools in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

G. Editing and Reviewing

  1. Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2019). Seed Funding Reviewer on the Review Panel for MIC Research Seed Funding 2018-19 Applications (Round 2).
  2. Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2013). Reviewer: Skillful: An International ELT Academic Skills Course book, London: Macmillan Education.
  3. Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2011). Peer-Reviewer: Perspectives Journal, TESOL Arabia Publication.
  4. Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2009). Peer-Reviewer, Education without Borders Conference, Abu Dhabi on “e-ducation: The Role of Education in Meeting Global Challenges”.
  5. Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2008). Research Ethics Review Board Member, Abu Dhabi Women’s College, U.A.E.
  6. Warne, A. (2006). Action Research in English Language Teaching in the UAE, Abu Dhabi: HCT Publications. Co-editor of B.Ed. research projects (2009) featured in this book.
  7. Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2005-2007). Reviewer and Editorial Board Representative, Classroom Connections Journal, HCT Press, Abu Dhabi.
  8. Gardiner-Hyland, (2009). Editor of children’s book by Al Alawi, K. ‘Ayesha’s Surprise’ (Unpublished).

H. Supervision of 120+ Undergraduate and Postgraduate Theses in the area of ESL, EFL, EAL and general language and literacy education.

Current Co-PhD Supervision

Ni Ghallchóir, A. (PhD, 2018-ongoing: Mary Immaculate College. Language Variation of Pupils in Second Class in Primary School. Primary Supervisor: Dr. Anne O'Keefe; Second Supervisor: Dr. Fiodhna Gardiner-Hyland; Third Supervisor: Joan O'Sullivan.

Fitzgerald, S. (PhD, 2016-ongoing: Mary Immaculate College): The Impact of the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model on Writing Development. Primary Supervisor: Seán O’Cathallain.

Beecher, A. (PhD co-supervisor from 2016-2018: Mary Immaculate College): The Impact of song on children's vocabulary development in a Gaelscoil setting. Primary Supervisor: Dr. T.J. Ó'Ceallaigh; Supporting Supervisors: Dr. Fiodhna Gardiner-Hyland and Dr. Gwen Moore.

Master's Degree Supervision: Selected Examples

Ferns, A. (PME, 2016). Teacher perspectives on the impact of the ‘Building Bridges of Understanding’ programme on comprehension skills during fiction reading with senior classes. Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.

Mann, A. (PME, 2016). Exploring the perceived impact of socio-cultural factors on the language development of infant children in DEIS contexts, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.

Downes, E. (PME, 2016). Exploring the perceived literacy challenges faced by children in junior classes in DEIS contexts, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.

Hennessy, C. (PME, 2016). Exploring the perceived impact of learning support on the development of literacy skills in junior infant classes. Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.

Hennessy, D. (M.Ed. 2016). An investigation into the efficacy of guided reading on the development of comprehension skills in first class. Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.

McCutcheon, M. (M.Ed, 2015):  An in-depth analysis of perceived effective teaching methodologies on pupil engagement in the Early Years Classroom. Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.

Hickey, E. (M.Ed., 2015):  A qualitative instrumental case study, using musical elements as a constructivist tool to engage second year students in the area of poetry. Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.

Undergraduate Supervision: Selected Examples

Henchion, O. (BA ECCE Final Year Dissertation, 2012): Parents and Practitioners’ Perceived Importance of Storytime for Pre-School Children. Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.

Stack, O. (BA ECCE Final Year Dissertation, 2012). A small scale study on how to build parent-teacher partnerships in order to support children’s reading development through the read aloud approach. Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.

Al Romaithi, S. (B.Ed. Final Year Dissertation, 2009). An exploration into the use of Storysacks in a Grade 5 EFL classroom: A UAE case. Higher Colleges of Technology, U.A.E.

Ali Abdulrahman, K. (B.Ed. Final Year Dissertation, 2009). An investigation into the use of songs and jazz chants in a Grade Two EFL class in a UAE government boy’s school. Higher Colleges of Technology, U.A.E.

Al Fardan, Z. (B.Ed. Final Year Dissertation, 2009). An investigation into the use of shared reading with big Books to teach reading in EFL classrooms in the UAE. Higher Colleges of Technology, U.A.E.

Al Marzooqi, M. (B.Ed. Final Year Dissertation, 2009). Using the pre, during and after reading strategies to increase reading comprehension in an EFL classroom. Higher Colleges of Technology, U.A.E.

Al Saedi, A. (B.Ed. Final Year Dissertation, 2009). An Investigation into Increasing Reticent Students’ Participation in Classroom Activities. Higher Colleges of Technology, U.A.E.

Al Masabi, N. (B.Ed. Final Year Dissertation, 2009). Exploring the effects of using pair work speaking activities with grade two EFL learners. Higher Colleges of Technology, U.A.E.

80+ National/International Conferences & Presentations

Selected Invited Presentations, Conference Papers, Colloquium Participation and Professional Development Workshops:

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (Sept 2018 and July, 2018). Resources for Teaching EALs Pamphlet: Embracing Diversity, Nurturing Integration: Learning for Life Project with the Transforming Education Through Dialogue Partnership Stand at the Teaching Council's Féilte Conference, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick; EDNIP/TED summer school.

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (May, 2018). What's Additional in Supporting Learners with English as an Additional Language? All-Ireland Research Conference on Immersion Education, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.

Gardiner-Hyland, F.  (April, 2018). Meeting the Diverse Language Needs of Beginning EALs.Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board in collaboration with the Department of Education and Skills, Transforming Education through Dialogue partnership and the Embracing Diversity, Nurturing Integration: Learning for Life Project (Invited Speaker).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (March, 2018). Issues Supporting English Language Learners in Irish Primary Classes. TESOL Conference, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain.

Gardiner-Hyland (2017, April). Poster presentation on ‘Supporting language and literacy development of pupils with EAL in Irish Primary Schools: Teachers’ self-reported knowledge, perceptions and experiences: Preliminary findings’, Council for Exceptional Children: Special Education Convention & Expo 2017, Boston, U.S.A.

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2017, February). ‘Contexts for developing Oral Language to non-native speakers’, The European School of Brussels 2, Charlemagne (CHAR) - European Commission building, Brussels, Belgium. 15th February, 2017, (Invited Presenter).

Gardiner-Hyland (2017, February). ‘Speak, Listen, Laugh!’ presented to international students on the Master's in Applied Linguistics, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Live Webinar:…, (Invited Presenter).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2017, March). Mentimeter: An interactive tool to promote student engagement, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, (Invited Presenter).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2016).  Speak, Listen, Laugh: EAL Infant Contexts, St. Paul’s Infant School, Athlone, West Meath in collaboration with the PLUS project, (Invited Presenter).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2016).  Speak, Listen, Laugh: EAL Classrooms, Sacred Heart School, Roscrea, Tipperary, (Invited Presenter).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2012-2016). ‘Styles of Mentoring’ Faculty and External Supervisors Training, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, (Invited Presenter).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2015). Self-Study Research in a Middle Eastern Context, Teacher Educator 

Self-Study Initiative (TESSI) workshops, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, (Invited Presenter).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2011-2015). Teaching Practice Inductions and presentations on various aspect of Education Methodology, B.Ed., Master's of Education students and External Supervisors of School Placements, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, (Invited Presenter).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2014). Using e-assessment forms during school placement, Faculty and External Supervisors Training, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, (Invited Presenter).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2014). Using the Socrative Application to promote student engagement, Blended Learning Special Interest Group, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.

O’Conaill, N., O’Shea, J. and Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2012; 2013).The Host Teacher and the Student on School Placements’, an Online Summer Week-Long Course, Drumcondra Education Centre, Dublin.

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2011). The role of picture books in developing oral language skills in the EFL Classroom, Al Maali International School, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2010/2011: Interactive Methods of Teaching for the EFL Classroom, Invited Presenter by ‘The World Learning Organization’ and ‘The Graduate Academy’, Tripoli, Libya; Al Maali International School, Abu Dhabi, UAE, (Invited Presenter).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2010). ‘Preparing Student Teachers to be Teachers of EFL Reading’, Co-Conference Colloquium presenter with David Nunan, Aniheim University and Kaithi Bailey, Monterey Institute of International Studies, TESOL Arabia, Dubai, UAE. (Peer-reviewed).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2010). Methodology and Interaction with the OUP textbook ‘Cover to Cover’, Oxford University Press and the Ministry of Education, Bahrain, (Invited Presenter).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2009). Invited Presenter on ‘Interactive Methods of Teaching in the College Classroom’, British Council and Oxford University Press, King Faisal University, Al-Hasa, Saudi Arabia, (Invited Presenter).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2009). Co-Conference Presenter with Ute Hatchmann, Goethe Institute, Munich, Germany, The creative use of school libraries in Germany and the UAE, The Abu Dhabi International Book Fair, UAE.

Gardiner-Hyland, F.  (2009). Big books, Story Sacks and Shared Reading, Al Yasat Primary School, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., (Invited Presenter).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2009). Reading Approaches for the EFL Classroom: the role of the teacher educator, The Emirates College for Advanced Education, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E, (Invited Presenter).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2008-2009). Shared Reading for Second Language Learners, Al Yasat School; Al Tabook School; Saad Bin Obada school, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., (Invited Presenter).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2008; 2009) Shared Reading for Second Language Learners, Khalifa University, U.A.E.; Sharjah University Hall, U.A.E, (Invited Presenter).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2008). Sharepoint Language and Literacy Site Demonstration, HCT Conference, Madinat Jumeriah Hotel, Dubai,; Dubai Women’s College; Sharjah Women’s College, U.A.E, (Invited Presenter).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2007). ‘Speak, Listen, Laugh!’ TESOL Arabia, Dubai, U.A.E. (Peer-Reviewed).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2007). Oral language development for children with EFL, Al Ain Women’s College, English Language Teaching in Schools Conference, U.A.E.

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2006). Shared Reading for Second Language Learners, TESOL Arabia, Dubai, U.A.E. (Peer-reviewed).

2004-2009: Teaching Practice Inductions to primary and preparatory school teachers in Private English, American, International Schools and Government Arabic Schools, UAE.

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2002). EFL Reading Approaches, Professional Educators Association of Kuwait (PEAK), Kuwait. (Peer-reviewed).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2001-2002). Oral language development through reading in a Second Language, Gulf English Private Schools; American School of Kuwait, Kuwait, (Invited Presenter).

Awards, Honours, Grants, Funded Projects (€210,000+)

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2019-2020). Philanthropic funded secondment awarded for the Year 2019-2020 from the Curriculum Development Unit/Transforming Education through Dialogue Project, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick for position as Project Leader: TED/EAL in collaboration with the ‘Oscailt’ schools network across Limerick (Project Fund: €150,000).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. and Burke, P. (2019). ‘Supporting language and literacy development of pupils with EAL in Irish Primary Schools: Teachers’ self-reported knowledge, perceptions and experiences: Stage 2’, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick. Seed Funding Award (€749).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2018). Invited English as an additional language advisor to the Embracing Diversity, Nurturing Integration: Learning for Life Project in collaboration with the Department of Justice Asylum Migration Integration Fund (AMIF), Transforming Education through Dialogue Partnership, Curriculum Development Unit, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.

O’Boyle, I. Collen, Gardiner-Hyland, F and O’Keefe, A. (2017-2018). Oracy in Schools, North and South (OiS): the perceptions, experiences and practices of Oracy in primary and post-primary schools in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. SCOTENS Funding Award (£5,000).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. and Burke, P. (2017). ‘Supporting language and literacy development of pupils with EAL in Irish Primary Schools: Teachers’ self-reported knowledge, perceptions and experiences: Preliminary findings’, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick. Seed Funding Award (€1,380).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2011-2017). International ESL literacy advisor, Dubai, U.A.E., TESOL Arabia YL SIG.

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2014-2015).Online Materials Development for Education Methodology in the Professional Master's of Education Programme, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick. The Blended Learning Innovation Fund Award (€2,000).

Howard, S., Horgan, K. and Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2013-2014). An investigation of the effectiveness of biofeedback training in reducing stress during microteaching, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick. Seed Funding Award (€3,290).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2014).  Invited Director of ‘Buzzing with Books’ national Children’s Literature Conference, in collaboration with Mary Immaculate College, The NCCA, St. Patrick’s College, Frostburg State University, Transforming Education through Dialogue (TED); COGG; Early Childhood Ireland, PDST.

Howard, S., Ring, E., Gardiner-Hyland, F. and Fitzgerald, J. (2013). Stress in college students on work placements: A comparison of stress levels experienced by students of teaching, medicine, and engineering. Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick. Seed Funding Award (€1,040).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2012). Short-listed for excellence in Teaching and Learning at the Shannon Consortium Regional ‘Excellence in Higher Education Teaching’ Awards, University of Limerick.

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2010-2011). Invited Chair of TESOL Arabia Young Learner’s Special Interest Group across Middle East with approx. 1,500 members:, TESOL Arabia, U.A.E.

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2010). Training sessions on ESL Language and Literacy Pedagogy using the OUP textbook ‘Cover to Cover’ (to be used in all primary schools across Bahrain), Oxford University Press on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Bahrain. Oxford University Press Funding, London (€5,000).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2010). Interactive Methods of Teaching for the EFL Classroom. The World Learning Organization’ on behalf of ‘The Graduate Academy’, Tripoli, Libya. The World Learning Organization Funding, Washington D.C., U.S.A. (€5,000).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2009). The Oxford University Press and British Council on behalf of the King Faisal University, Al-Hasa, Saudi Arabia, ‘Interactive Methods of Teaching in the ESL College Classroom’. Oxford University Press Funding, London, U.K. (€6,000).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2009). UAE Project Supervisor, The Creative Use of School Libraries in Germany and the UAE, Abu Dhabi Book Fair, in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut, Munich, Germany.

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2008). ESL Student teacher study visit, University of Melbourne, Australia. Abu Dhabi Women’s College Funding, U.A.E. (€3,000).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2008). Inaugural Sheikh Nahayan Doctoral Fellowship Award in association with The International Research Foundation (TIRF). The International Research Foundation Funding, Monterey, California, U.S.A. ($25,000). Research showcased on the TIRF website:

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2008). Dean’s ‘Excellence in Research Award’, Abu Dhabi Women’s College, U.A.E.

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2008). Invited demonstration of work as Curriculum Leader and Developer across six UAE colleges. Teacher Education Accreditation Council Delegation (TEAC, USA).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2007). Teacher Education Research Grant. Abu Dhabi Women’s College Grant, U.A.E. (€4,000).

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2006). Member of the Education Faculty, Abu Dhabi Women’s College Accreditation team for B.Ed. accreditation with the University of Melbourne, Australia.

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (2005-2007). Represented the Education Department for official V.I.P. delegations to Abu Dhabi Women’s College, U.A.E. e.g.  Minister Kosky, former Australian Minister for Education; Princess Victoria, Crown Princess of Sweden etc.

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (1995). Awarded a Master's of Education International Scholarship Award at Frostburg State University, Maryland, U.S.A. by Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (1994). Interactive language learning in Irish as a second language: infant classes, recorded demonstration lecture by Mary Immaculate College, used as instructional material for B.Ed. students, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.

Gardiner-Hyland, F. (1993). Best Teacher’s Award, YMCA, Chicago, USA.


Professional and Committee Memberships


  • Member of the Irish Research Network in Childhood Bilingualism and Multilingualism.
  • Education Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI)
  • Children’s Books Ireland (CBI)
  • Literacy Association of Ireland (LAI)
  • International Literacy Association 
  • Member of the School Placement Directorate, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick (2011-2018).
  • Member of the Teacher Educator Self-Study Initiative (TESSI), Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick.