Dr Maurice Harmon

Research interests
Religious education; school ethos; education policy; pupil voice in education and Initial teacher education (primary);
Harmon, M. (2021). Children’s Right to have their Voice Accessed and Appreciated in Research, in Leavy, A.M. & Nohilly, M. (editors). Contemporary Perspectives on Childhood (p 132-148). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Ring, E., O’Sullivan, L. and Harmon, M (2021) ‘Insights from Dewey’s philosophy for our concept of the child, pedagogy, curriculum, accountability and assessment in early Childhood education in a post-covid 19 world’ in The Contemporary Relevance of John Dewey’s Theories on Teaching and Learning: Deweyan Perspectives on Standardization, Accountability, and Assessment in Education, London: Routledge
Harmon, M. (2021) ‘Ecological awareness: a cornerstone to developing a healthy Christian spirituality’ in Dolan, A.M., (ed) Climate Change Education in Primary School: an interdisciplinary approach, London: Routledge
Harmon, M. (2021) ‘Exploring the voice of children in Catholic Education in an Irish primary school’ in Whittle, S.,(ed), Irish and British reflections on Catholic Education: Contemporary research and emerging studies from the field, London: Springer
Harte, P., Ring, E and Harmon M. (2020) 'Inclusion: making children’s right to participate visible and children’s voices distinct in the acoustic of early childhood education’ in Ring, E., O’Sullivan, L., Ryan, M., Daly, P. and Wall, E. (eds) Leading inclusion from the inside out, Oxford: Peter Lang
Harmon, M. (2020) ‘Meaningfully capturing the voice of children in research: Applying the Lundy Model of Participation in the classroom. Children’s Research Digest, 6(2), 51-56
O’Connell, D., Ryan, M., and Harmon, M. (2018) ‘Will we have teachers for Catholic primary schools in Ireland?’ in White, S., (ed.) What ought to be happening in RE in Catholic schools? Perspectives from England, Ireland and Scotland. London: Peter Lang,