Dr Sabine Egger

Research interests
Sabine Egger (MA, Cologne; PhD, Humboldt University of Berlin) is Associate Professor in German Studies at Mary Immaculate College/MIC, University of Limerick. She has widely published on memory, literature and performativity, autofiction, and transnationalism in German-language literature and culture, with a specific interest in developments after 1945, 1989 and 2004. Her current research looks at ideas of the "East" within and beyond Europe, technological discourses and the aesthetics of space, time and movement, also across genre and media boundaries. Publications include her monograph on Erinnerung an den „europäischen Osten“ in der Lyrik Johannes Bobrowskis (2009), edited journal issues and volumes on transit spaces, such as Polish-Irish Encounters in the New and Old Europe (2011) and Sarmatia – Germania Slavica – Central Europe, with a focus on borderlands (2020). Further edited volumes on Cultural/Literary Translators (2015) and Connections in Motion: Dance and Modernism in Irish and German Literature and Culture (2019) explore movement across language and physical boundaries in various media and art forms. She is co-founder and Joint Director of the Irish Centre for Transnational Studies (MIC) and member of the Royal Irish Academy Committee on Languages, Literature, Culture and Communication. From 2011-2015 she was joint chair of the German Studies Association of Ireland/GSAI. She is PI of the DAAD Project "Elizabeth Shaw's Irish Berlin" (2025-2026).
Dr. Egger has produced programs and articles for public media, including Deutsche Welle, WDR Radio, WDR Television, the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, Opus. Kulturmagazin, and The European. She has been academic advisor for RTE radio programs and has professional experience in translation.
From 2015 to 2017 she was MPI on the national project "DigiLanguages.ie - Enhancing Digital Literacies for Language Teaching and Learning" (UL, NUIG, DCU, MIC, DIT, LIT), with a focus on “Transitions and Contexts”. The project was funded by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning and is part of the government's implementation plan of Languages Connect: Ireland's Strategy for Foreign Languages in Education 2017-2026.
She has supervised and examined MAs and PhDs on a range of topics (see list at the bottom of this page).
Areas of interest: 18th to 21st century literature; comparative literature; intermediality; fiction/non-fiction; memory and history; autobiographical writing; fantastic literature; magical realism; alterity; inter- vs transcultural approaches; transnationalism; spatial turn; travel writing; railways; mobility; migration; ideas of Europe; physical movement (e.g. journeys, quests, dance); literature and performativity.
More information
- PhD in Neuerer Deutscher Literatur; thesis on Deutsch-osteuropäische Geschichte und Mythos in der Lyrik Johannes Bobrowskis; supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ursula Heukenkamp, Institut für deutsche Literatur, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- MA in English, German and Economics; thesis on Konstrukte irischer Identität in der ‘poetry of place’ John Montagues und Derek Mahons; supervisor: Prof. Dr. Helmut Bonheim; Englisches Seminar, Universität zu Köln
- MA in English Literature; thesis on Landscape in Contemporary Northern Irish Poetry; supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kevin Barry, NUI Galway
Research and Publications
Moving East/West: Journeys and Transit Spaces in German Poetry, Short Prose and Intermedial Projects after 1989 (work in progress).
Dialog mit dem Fremden. Erinnerung an den “europäischen Osten” in der Lyrik Johannes Bobrowskis. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2009.
Germanistik in Ireland 15 (2020). Special Issue: Zeitgenossenschaft/Contemporaneity, guest ed. with H. Rompf.
Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik 7/2 (2016). Special Issue: Vom Zugabteil zum Cabaret: Transiträume Sprache, Literatur und Kultur, guest ed. with W. Bonner & E. Hess-Lüttich.
Germanistik in Ireland 11 (2016). Special Issue: Transit or Transformation? Border Crossings in Language and Literature, guest ed. with W. Bonner & E. Hess-Lüttich.
Edited Volumes
Sarmatien - Germania Slavica - Mitteleuropa/Sarmatia - Germania Slavica - Central Europe: From the Borderland in the East and Johannes Bobrowski’s Utopia to a Border Aesthetics. (Deutschsprachige Gegenwartsliteratur und Medien), ed. with S. Hajduk and B. Jung. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2021.
Connections in Motion: Dance and Modernism in Irish and German Literature and Culture, ed. with C. Foley and M. Harper. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2019.
Transiträume und transitorische Begegnungen in Literatur, Theater und Film (Cross-Cultural Communication 30), ed. with W. Bonner & E. Hess-Lüttich. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang, 2017.
Cultural/Literary Translators: Irish-German Biographies II (Irish-German Studies 9), ed. Trier: wvt, 2015.
“Johannes Bobrowski".Twentieth Century Criticism, senior editorial advisor. Columbia, S.C.: LLC, 2015.
Polish-Irish Encounters in the New and Old Europe (Reimagining Ireland 39), ed. with J. McDonagh. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2011.
From the Margins to the Centre: Irish Germanists on Swiss Culture and Literature (German Linguistic and Cultural Studies 18), ed. with P. Studer. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2007.
Peer-reviewed Articles and Book Contributions (Selection)
- 2024. Eisenbahn. In: H. Bay, L. Beck, C. Hamann, J. Osthues (Eds.). Handbuch "Literatur und Reise". Stuttgart: Metzler, 252-255.
- 2024. Die Gruppe 47 und die DDR. Zur Positionierung im literarischen Feld. In: N. Mattern, S. Neuhaus (Eds.). Handbuch "Literatur und Kultur der Wirtschaftswunderzeit". Berlin: de Gruyter, 310-322.
- 2024. Tanz als Möglichkeitsform des Schreibens über europäische Erinnerungsräume: Katja Petrowskajas Vielleicht Esther und Anna Burns‘ Milchmann. In: S. Pasewalck (Ed.). Shared Heritage – Gemeinsames Erbe. Kulturelle Interferenzräume im östlichen Europa als Sujet der Gegenwartsliteratur. (Schriften des Bundesinstituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa 88). Berlin: de Gruyter, 139-158.
- 2023. Contemporary Ukrainian writers as an ‘avant-garde’ of exile in the German literary field? Katja Petrowskaja and Kateryna Mishchenko, Oxford German Studies, 52.3 (2023), 384-398, DOI: 10.1080/00787191.2023.2227501.
- 2023. Train journeys in postmemorial narratives on ‘Heimatverlust’ in contemporary German writing: Reinhard Jirgl’s Die Unvollendeten and Sabrina Janesch’s Katzenberge. In: Transit: A Journal of Travel, Migration, and Multiculturalism in the German-speaking World 14.1 (2023), University of California, Berkeley, 86-103, DOI: https://doi.org/10.5070/T714162196.
- 2023. Rafik Schami. In: L. Bluhm, S. Neuhaus (Eds.). Handbuch "Märchen". Berlin, Heidelberg: Metzler. 353-357.
- 2023. Vom Stolpern Carl Joseph von Trottas bis zum ‚Rave in memoriam Otto von Habsburg‘: Zur tänzerischen Demontage und Transformation europäischer Erinnerungsräume in Joseph Roths Radetzkymarsch und Katja Petrowskajas Vielleicht Esther. In: A. Czeglédy & S. Ritz (Eds.) Gesten. Paris, Budapest: L’Harmattan, 175-187.
- 2022. Changing Positions between two literary fields. Johannes Bobrowski and the Gruppe 47. Germanistik in Ireland 17 (2022), 159-170.
- 2021. Zur Positionierung zwischen Engagement, christlichem Humanismus und zwei literarischen Feldern vor 1968: Johannes Bobrowski und die Gruppe 47. In: C. Gansel, J. Ludwig (Eds.). 1968 – Ost – West. Deutsch - deutsche Kultur - Geschichten. Berlin: Okapi, 307-329.
- 2021. Gedenkorte, Nicht-Orte und Leerstellen: Zur Deterritorialisierung des Ichs in Katja Petrowskajas Vielleicht Esther. In: Jahrbuch für internationale Germanistik 142 (2021). Special Issue: Heimat und Gedächtnis heute. Literarische Repräsentationen von Heimat in der aktuellen deutschsprachigen Literatur, 39-52..
- 2020. The Poetics of Movement and Deterritorialisation in Katja Petrowskaja’s Vielleicht Esther (2014). In: Contemporary Jewish Women’s Writing in Germany and Austria –A Minor Literature? Ed. by M. R. Lizarazu & G. Weiss-Sussex. Special Issue MLO (2020).
- 2020, with H. Rompf. Introduction: Approaches to Zeitgenossenschaft/Contemporaneity. In: Germanistik in Ireland 15 (2020). Special Issue Zeitgenossenschaft/Contemporaneity/Engagement, 5-19.
- 2020. Gespräche mit einem verwesenden Fuchs und anderes Befremdliches in Lutz Seilers Lyrik. In: Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik 138 (2020). Special Issue: Unheimliche Heimaträume. Repräsentationen von Heimat in der deutschsprachigen Literatur seit 1918, 161-174.
- 2019. Alterität. In: S. Neuhaus (Ed.). Effi Briest-Handbuch. Stuttgart: Metzler, 287-293.
- 2019, with S. Wagner. Zu (trans-)nationalen Goethe-Adaptionen in der zeitgenössischen Onlinekultur: Mashing up Werther. In: S. Matuschek, S. Picard, P. Wojcik & M. Wolting (Eds). Klassik als kulturelle Praxis - funktional, intermedial, transkulturell. Berlin: de Gruyter, 435-454.
- 2019. Literarische Grenzbewegungen: Zu den ‘Autogeographien’ Katja Petrowskajas und Juri Andruchowytschs. In: I.-K. Patrut, R. Rössler & W. Johann (Eds.). Transformationen Europas im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert. Zur Ästhetik und Wissensgeschichte der interkulturellen Moderne. Bielefeld: transcript, 2019, 345-369.
- 2019. Alterität. In: N. Mattern & S. Neuhaus (Eds). Buddenbrooks Handbuch. Stuttgart: Metzler, 274-281.
- 2019. Magischer Realismus als Form einer transgressiven Historiographie? Überlegungen zu Romanen Sabrina Janeschs und Catalin Dorian Florescus“. In: M. Wolting (Ed.). Neues historisches Erzählen. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 155-174.
- 2019. Dancing between Transgression and Transformation in German Literature after 1945 and 1989: Johannes Bobrowski and Katja Petrowskaja. In: S. Egger, C. Foley & M. Harper (Eds.). Dance and Modernism in Irish and German Literature and Culture: Connections in Motion. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 189-208.
- 2018. The radio transcending boundaries and historical narratives in Lutz Seiler’s poetry and in his novel Kruso. In: D. Byrnes, J. Conacher & G. Holfter (Eds): East-German Literature, 25 Years After the Fall of the Wall, Leiden, Boston & Tokyo: Brill, 160-178.
- 2017. Magischer Realismus als Modus einer transgenerationellen „felt history“: Heimat, Flucht und Vertreibung bei Sabrina Janesch. In: G. Iztueta, M. Saalbach, I. Talavera, C. Bescansa & J. Standke (Eds) Raum-Gefühl-Heimat: Literarische Repräsentationen nach 1945. Marburg: Verlag LiteraturWissenschaft.de, 141-156.
- 2017. Martin Buber und Johannes Bobrowski. Ethik und Erinnerung in der sarmatischen Lyrik. In: Literaturkritik.de 19.4 (2017).
- 2017. "Eastern European Turns". Zur Dynamisierung von Räumen und Identitäten. In: M. Wolting (Ed.). Identitätskonstruktionen in der deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur (Deutschsprachige Gegenwartsliteratur und Medien 23). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 285-296.
- 2016. Der Raum des Fremden als „fahrender Zug“ in Herta Müllers Reisende auf einem Bein. Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik 7.2 (2016). Special Issue Vom Zugabteil zum Cabaret: Transiträume Sprache, Literatur und Kultur, 35-54.
- 2016. Auf der Suche nach Spenglers Spuren in der deutschen Nachkriegsliteratur. Von Ernst Wiecherts Totenwald zu Johannes Bobrowskis Sarmatien. In: A. de Winde, S. Fabré, B. Philipsen, S. Maes & Le Prince-Évêque (Eds). Tektonik der Systeme. Neulektüren von Oswald Spengler. Heidelberg: Synchron, 302-320.
- 2016. “The Wild East” in Contemporary German Poetry: Gerald Zschorsch, Kurt Drawert, Brigitte Oleschinski. In: CALL: Irish Journal for Culture, Arts, Literature and Language 1.1 (2016).
- 2016. Dynamisierte Räume, Krieg und Technik: Reisen gen Osten in der deutschsprachigen Literatur. In: M. Braun, O. Jahraus, S. Neuhaus & S. Pesnel (Eds), Nach 1914: Krieg, Literatur und Film in der europäischen Kultur. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 411-436.
- 2015. Bilder des ‚europäischen Ostens‘ in der neueren deutschen Lyrik (und intermedialen Grenzformen) (u.a. B. Oleschinski, B. Böttcher, B. Piasecki und VJ Milosh). In: C. Gansel & M. Wolting (Eds). Deutschland- und Polenbilder in der Literatur nach 1989 (Deutschsprachige Gegenwartsliteratur und Medien 16). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 103-123.
- 2015. ”The East” as a Transit Space in the New Europe? Transnational Train Journeys in Prose Poems by Kurt Drawert, Lutz Seiler and Ilma Rakusa. In: German Life and Letters 68/2 (2015), 45-67.
- 2015. Elizabeth Shaw (1920-1992): The Irish Caricaturist who Left Her Mark on East German Children’s Literature. In: S. Egger (Ed.). Cultural/Literary Translators: Irish-German Biographies II (Irish-German Studies 9). Trier: wvt, 71-94. (See also: RTE Brainstorm.)
- 2014. Magical Realism and Polish-German Postmemory: Reimagining Flight and Expulsion in Sabrina Janesch’s Katzenberge (2010). In: Interférences littéraires / Literaire interferenties 14, 2014.
- 2013. Between Hölderlin and Heaney: Thresholds and Boundaries in Johannes Bobrowski's Poetry. In: Germanistik in Irland 8 (2013), 107-125.
- 2013. The Good German between Silence and Artistic Deconstruction of an Inhumane World: Johannes Bobrowski’s Narratives Mäusefest (1962) and Der Tänzer Malige (1965). In: C. Schönfeld & P. O'Doherty (Eds). The Good German in Literature and Culture. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, 85-97.
- 2012. Die Berührung der Alltagsgegenstände in den Gedichten Lutz Seilers und Herta Müllers. In: A. Czeglédy & Szilvia Ritz (Eds) Inspirationen (Károli Könyvek 43). Paris, Budapest: L’Harmattan, 109-131.
- 2012. Ost(mittel)europa in der neueren deutschen Lyrik. In: Akten des XII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses. Bd. 5.2 (Einheit in der Vielfalt? Der Europadiskurs der SchriftstellerInnen seit der Klassik, betreut von P. M. Lützeler, P. Hanenberg & J. Jablkowska). Oxford: Peter Lang.
- 2011. Introduction. In: S. Egger & J. McDonagh (Eds) Polish-Irish Encounters in the New and Old Europe (Reimagining Ireland 39). Oxford: Peter Lang. xi-xvii.
- 2009. Martin Bubers Ethik und die Ästhetik der Erinnerung in der sarmatischen Lyrik (Martin Buber’s Ethics and the Aesthetics of Memory in the Sarmatian Poetry). In: A. Degen & T. Taterka (Eds.), Zeit aus Schweigen. Johannes Bobrowski – Werk, Biographie, Kontext (Colloquia Baltica 15). Munich: Martin Meidenbauer, 381-392.
- 2007. Von Litauen bis Irland: Erinnerungsorte in der Lyrik Johannes Bobrowskis. In: G. Holfter & H.-W. Schmidt-Hannisa (Eds) German-Irish Encounters. Deutsch-irische Begegnungen (Irish-German Studies 2). Trier: wvt, 118-127.
- with P. Studer, 2007. ‘Blick von außen’ – Interview with Peter Stamm. In: S. Egger & P. Studer (Eds) From the Margins to the Centre: Irish Germanists on Swiss Culture and Literature (German Linguistic and Cultural Studies 18). Oxford: Peter Lang, 61-75. ISBN 978 3 03910 716 2.
- 2007. Switzerland and Ireland: Places Beyond History from the Perspective of Post-War West Germany. In: S. Egger & P. Studer (Eds) From the Margins to the Centre: Irish Germanists on Swiss Culture and Literature (German Linguistic and Cultural Studies 18). Oxford: Peter Lang, 31-48. ISBN 978 3 03910 716 2.
- 2007. Der Mythos als Medium einer dialogischen Kultursynthese in den Gedichten Johannes Bobrowskis. In: J.- M. Valentin (Ed.). Akten des XI. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses. Vol. 8. Bern: Peter Lang, 83-90. ISBN 978 3 03910 797 1.
- 2004. “Weibliches” Sarmatien: Osteuropa zwischen Exotismus und Identifikation in der Lyrik Johannes Bobrowskis. In: D. Albrecht, A. Degen, H. Peitsch & K. Völker (Eds). Unverschmerzt: Johannes Bobrowski– Leben und Werk (Colloquia Baltica 2). München: Martin Meidenbauer, 273-291. ISBN 3 89975 511 1.
- 2003. The Roots of the East German “Green” Movement in the 1950s. In: S. Giles & M. Oergel (Eds), Counter-Cultures in Germany and Central Europe: From Sturm und Drang to Baader-Meinhof. Oxford: Peter Lang, 171-192. ISBN 3 03910 007 6.
- 2003. Relativising Images of Self and Other in the Intercultural Literature Classroom. In: Roland Tormey (Eds). Teaching Social Justice : Intercultural and Development Education Perspectives on Education’s Context, Content and Methods. CEDR, MIC & Ireland Aid, Limerick/Dublin. 91-108. ISBN 1 9001 461 77.
- 2003. Bertolt Brecht: Die Lösung (1964). In: F. Krobb and J. Morrison (Eds). Poetry Project: Irish Germanists Interpret German Verse (British and Irish Studies in German Language and Literature 25). Oxford: Peter Lang, 201-206. ISBN 3 906766 45 4.
- 2003. Volker Braun: Das innerste Afrika (1984). In: F. Krobb and J. Morrison (Eds). Poetry Project: Irish Germanists Interpret German Verse (British and Irish Studies in German Language and Literature 25). Oxford: Peter Lang, 245-253. ISBN 3 906766 45 4.
- 2003. Deconstructing Marxist-Leninist Historiography: Memories of National Socialism in East German Poetry of the 1950s and 1960s. In: E. Caldicott and A. Fuchs (Eds) Cultural Memory. Essays on European Literature and History, Oxford : Peter Lang, 99-114. ISBN 3 03910 053 X.
- 2002. Komparatistische Imagologie im interkulturellen Literaturunterricht. In: Zeitschrift für interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht 6/3, 1-19.
- 2002. Bertolt Brecht. In: H. Briel (Ed.). German Culture and Society. The Essential Glossary. London : Arnold, 21-22. ISBN 0 340763 949.
- 2002. Foundation of the GDR. In: H. Briel (Ed.). German Culture and Society. The Essential Glossary. London : Arnold, 49-50. ISBN 0 340763 949.
- 2002. June 1953 Uprising. In: H. Briel (Ed.). German Culture and Society. The Essential Glossary. London : Arnold, 74-75. ISBN 0 340763 949.
- 2000. Die Mythologisierung ostjüdischen Lebens in der Lyrik Johannes Bobrowskis 1952-1962. In: P. O'Dochartaigh (Ed.). Jews in German Literature since 1945: German-Jewish Literature? (German Monitor 53). Amsterdam & Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 2000, 353-365. ISBN 978 90 420 1453 4.
Conference Papers (Selection)
- On the dynamics of a “gesamtdeutschen Literatur” between two literary fields: Johannes Bobrowski, Peter Weiss and the Gruppe 47. Mein Sehnen geht in die Ferne” – Reflecting on Exile and GDR Studies. International Conference In memoriam Ian Wallace. University of Oxford, 9-11 September 2022.
- Tanz als Möglichkeitsform des Schreibens über Erinnerungsräume [...]. Invited paper. Annual Conference of the German Studies Association of Ireland (GSAI), University of Maynooth, 26-27 November 2021.
- Tanz und Geste als Formen der Grenzüberschreitung in Katja Petrowskajas Vielleicht Esther und Anna Burns' Milkman. Invited paper. Inspirationen V. – Gesten. International Symposium, Gáspár Károly University Budapest, 21-22 October 2021.
- Individuelle Verlusterfahrung und Erinnerungsstörung. Walter Kempowski. (Section „Geschichte(n) erinnern - Memory Boom und Störungen der Erinnerung“, C. Gansel; L. Adelson, M. Alemán) XIV. Congress of the International Association of Germanic Studies (IVG), University of Palermo, 23-31 August 2021.
- Similarities or Parallel Worlds? 24H Europe and Colum McCann’s Novel Apeirogon. Identities in Flux. Past, Presents and Futures of Migrant Communities across Europe. International Conference, Institute of Humanities, UCD/Irish Centre of Transnational Studies, MIC, 13-15 & 21-22 May 2021.
- Zur Deterritorialisung von Gedächtnisorten in Katja Petrowskajas Vielleicht Esther (2014) und Anna Burns‘ Milkman (2018). Invited paper. Shared Heritage – Gemeinsames Erbe. Kulturelle Interferenzräume im östlichen Europa als Sujet der Gegenwartsliteratur. International Conference. Literaturhaus Berlin, 19-20 November 2020.
- European Encounters in Real Time? The Documentary 24H Europe – The Next Generation. Encounters: the coincidence of space, time, and subjectivity. An interdisciplinary conference. St John’s College, Cambridge, 16-18 September 2019.
- Gedächtnisorte, Nicht-Orte und Leerstellen: Zur De/Reterritorialisung des Ichs in Katja Petrowskajas Vielleicht Esther. Invited paper. Heimat und Gedächtnis heute. International Conference. University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 25-27 September 2019.
- Mark und Bein. Eine Episode. Zur Störung von Debatten zu Flucht und Vertreibung als "geschichtspolitischem Wortmüll". Invited paper. „Ich will Archiv werden.“ Walter Kempowskis Autorschaft zwischen archivarischer Quelle und strategischer Werkpolitik. International Conference, Universität Rostock/Kempowski-Archiv, Rostock, 26-28 April 2019. (Reviewed in the FAZ, 29.04.19, <https://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/buecher/autoren/kempowski-tagung-in-rostock-zum-neunzigsten-des-autors-16161719.html?printPagedArticle=true#pageIndex_0>)
- Johannes Bobrowski und die Gruppe 47. Invited paper. Hans Werner Richter-Literaturtage. Hans Werner Richter-Haus, Bansin, 15-17 November 2018.
- A Space outside of Politics for German-German Literary Relations in the Early 1960s?: Johannes Bobrowski and the Evangelische Akademie Berlin-Brandenburg‘. 84th Annual Meeting of the Association of German Studies in Great Britain and Ireland (AGS). Bangor University. 29-31 August 2018.
- Das Radio und die Transformation von Grenzen in der Lyrik Lutz Seilers und Seamus Heaneys. Europa im Übergang: Interkulturelle Transferprozesse - Internationale Deutungshorizonte. International Congress of the Association for Intercultural German Studies (GiG), Europa-Universität Flensburg, 9-15 September 2017.
- Gespräche mit einem verwesenden Fuchs und die innere Freiheit als unheimliche Heimat in Lutz Seilers Kruso. Invited paper. Unheimliche Heimaträume. Literarische Repräsentationen von Heimat in der deutschsprachigen Literatur seit 1918. International Conference. University of the Basque Country Vitoria-Gasteiz, 20-22 September 2017.
- Das Radio und die Transformation von Grenzen in der Lyrik Lutz Seilers und Seamus Heaneys. Europa im Übergang: Interkulturelle Transferprozesse - Internationale Deutungshorizonte. Kongress der Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Germanistik (GiG), Europa-Universität Flensburg, 9-15 September 2017.
- Literarische Grenzbewegungen. Zu den "Autogeographien" Katja Petrowskajas, Juri Andruchowytschs und Hugo Hamiltons. Invited paper. Europa im Wandel: Literatur, Werte und europäische Identität. International Conference. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Lviv, Ukraine, 6-9 June 2017. www.kas.de/ukraine/de/publications/49455/
- with E. Riordan. DigiLanguages: "Language Learning in a Digital World". Annual Conference of the German Studies Association of Ireland (GSAI), Dublin City University, 18-19 November 2016.
- Dance between Transgression and Liminality in German Writing after 1945 and 1989. Connections in Motion: Dance in Irish and German Literature, Film and Culture. 16th International Conference in Irish-German Studies, MIC/University of Limerick, 30 October-1 November 2016.
- Momente der Transdifferenz in Katja Petrowskajas Vielleicht Esther (2014). Vielfältige Konzepte – Konzepte der Vielfalt: Interkulturalität(en) weltweit, International Conference of the Association for Intercultural German Studies (GiG), University of Ústí nad Labem/Charles University Prague, 4-9 October 2016.
- with S. Wagner. Zu (trans-)nationalen Goethe-Adaptionen in der zeitgenössischen Internetkultur. Invited paper. „As you like it“? Kanonbildung und europäische Kultur im 21. Jahrhundert. IX. International Conference of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung for European Germanists, Akademie der KAS, Berlin, 8-9 September 2016. http://www.kas.de/upload/themen/deutschesprache/Egger_Wagner.pdf
- Magischer Realismus als Form einer transgressiven Historiographie? Überlegungen zu Romanen Sabrina Janeschs und Catalin Dorian Florescus. International Conference Geschichte(n) erinnern – Formen 'historisch-fiktionalen Erzählens' in der deutschsprachigen und polnischen Gegenwartsliteratur nach 1989. University of Gießen/University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, 7-9 April 2016.
- Magischer Realismus und transnationale Postmemory: Heimat, Flucht und Vertreibung in Sabrina Janesch’s Katzenberge (2010). Raum – Gefühl – Heimat. Literarische Repräsentationen nach 1945. International Conference University of the Basque Country Vitoria-Gasteiz, 23-25 September 2015.
- Dynamisierte Räume nach 1989. XIII. Congress of the International Association of Germanic Studies (IVG), Tongji University Shanghai, 23-31 August 2015.
- Dynamisierte Räume, Krieg und Technik: Eisenbahnreisen gen Osten in deutschen Prosagedichten nach 1989. Invited paper, Nach 1914: Krieg, Literatur und Film in der europäischen Gesellschaft. VII. Conference of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung for European Germanists, Akademie der KAS, Berlin, 11-13 September 2014.
- The “Eastern turn” and “travelling concepts” in contemporary German-language literature. Invited paper for the panel ‘Disciplinarity’. German in the World, International Symposium. Institute of Modern Languages Research (IMLR), University of London, 2 June 2014.
- Der Raum des Fremden als „fahrender Zug“ in den Erzähltexten Herta Müllers. Begegnungen in Transiträumen/Transitorische Begegnungen . International Conference of the Association for Intercultural German Studies (GiG), MIC/UL, Limerick, 29 May-1 June 2014.
- Literary Transit Spaces in the New Europe. Invited speaker, Post-National Modern Languages, (Re)Launch of the Institute of Modern Languages Research (IMLR), School of Advanced Studies, University of London, 7 December 2013.
- Bilder des europäischen Ostens in der neueren deutschen Lyrik und intermedialen Grenzformen, ‘Die andere Seite mit ihren eigenen Augen sehen’? Deutschland- und Polenbilder in der deutschen und polnischen Literatur nach 1989. International Conference, University of Wroclaw, 3-5 October 2013.
- Sich bewegen lassen: Transkulturelle Eisenbahnreisen in der zeitgenössischen deutschen Literatur. Invited paper, Inspirationen II. International Symposium, Károli-Gáspár-University of Budapest, 23-25 January 2013.
- "Der Osten" als Nicht-Ort im neuen Europa? Transkulturelle Eisenbahnreisen in der zeitgenössischen deutschen Lyrik und Kurzprosa. Invited paper, Shifting German Landscapes. Cultural Hybridity and Place. International Conference, University of Bath, 14 December 2012.
- Wilhelm Lehmann and Yeats’ Ireland. Invited plenary paper. Belonging: Cultural Topographies of Identity. International Interdisciplinary Conference, University College Dublin, 8-9 June 2012.
- "The Wild East" in Contemporary German Writing; Sarthaispeantas Taighde 2011, MIC Research Showcase, 30 August 2011.
- Die Berührung der Alltagsgegenstände in den Gedichten Lutz Seilers und Herta Müllers. Invited plenary paper, Inspirationen, International Symposium, Károli-Gáspár-University of Budapest, 16-18 June 2011.
- Memory of the Holocaust in German Literature after 1945, Invited paper, Approaches to Teaching the Holocaust, Interdisciplinary Conference, MIC, University of Limerick, 4 May 2011.
- Johannes Bobrowskis Lyrik (Johannes Bobrowski's Poetry). Invited paper, A special role for literature? Literatur in der DDR (und Irland). International Colloquium with a special focus on teaching GDR literature., CIGS, University of Limerick, 28-29 March 2011.
- Ost(mittel)europa in der neueren deutschen Lyrik (Eastern (Central) Europe in Contemporary German Poetry. Vielheit und Einheit der Germanistik weltweit. XII Congress of the International Association of Germanic Studies (IVG), University of Warsaw, 30 July - 7 August 2010.
- Everyday Experience in the Poetry of Gerald Zschorsch and Lutz Seiler. 73rd Conference of the Association for German Studies in Great Britain and Ireland (AGS), University of Reading, 29-31 March 2010.
- CLIL in ITE and attitudes to Primary classroom practice (with A. Dillon). CLIL 2010 In Pursuit of Excellence. Uncovering CLIL Quality by CLIL Practitioners. Evidencing CLIL Quality by CLIL Researchers. University of Eichstätt, 30 September-2 October 2010.
- Between Hölderlin and Heaney: Crossing Boundaries in Johannes Bobrowski's Poetry. Invited lecture at the Arts Faculty Seminar Series, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 9 November 2010. (Podcast, www.mic.ul.ie/afss/2010Series.htm)
- with P. Studer, P. Kelly & A. Dillon, CLIL in Higher Education: a Cross-Cultural Perspective, LPLL 2009, Language Policy and Language Learning. New Paradigms and New Challenges, University of Limerick, 18-20 June 2009.
- “Ost(mittel)europa“ in der neueren deutschen Lyrik (‘East (Central) Europe’ in Contemporary German Poetry), Begegnungsraum Ostmitteleuropa – Deutsche Sprache und Kultur im interkulturellen Raum, International Symposium, Gáspár Károly University and University of Applied Sciences, Budapest, Society for Intercultural German Studies, Budapest, 7-9 May 2009.
- Universalism and/or Particularism? The Reception of Martin Buber’s Concept of Dialogue in Post-War and Post-Multiculturalism Germany. Conference of the Royal Irish Academy, National Committee for Modern Language, Literary and Cultural Studies: IN/DIFFERENCE : Current and Historical Perspectives on Cultures in Contact. University of Limerick, 9-10 November 2007.
- The Influence of W.B. Yeats on Wilhelm Lehmann’s Image of Ireland. 9th Limerick Conference in Irish-German Studies: Heinrich Böll and Ireland – 50 Years Irisches Tagebuch, University of Limerick, 30 August-1 September 2007.
- Martin Bubers Ethik und die Ästhetik der Erinnerung in der sarmatischen Lyrik. International Conference, Zeit aus Schweigen. Johannes Bobrowski – Werk, Biographie, Kontext, of the Baltic Centre of German Studies, University of Latvia, Johannes-Bobrowski-Society, Academia Baltica, Johannes-Gutenberg-University of Mainz/Germersheim, University of Kaliningrad und Vytautas Magnus-University of Kaunas, in Kaunas/Riga, 18-22 June 2007.
- Der Mythos als Medium einer dialogischen Kultursynthese in den Gedichten Johannes Bobrowskis. IX. Internationaler Germanistenkongress (IVG), Germanistik im Konflikt der Kulturen, Paris, 26 August-3 September 2005.
- "Weibliches" Sarmatien: Osteuropa zwischen Exotismus und Identifikation in der Lyrik Johannes Bobrowskis. International Conference Unverschmerzt: Johannes Bobrowski – Leben und Werk, Literarisches Colloquium, Berlin, 7-9 November 2003.
- Deconstructing Images of "Self" and "Other" in the Intercultural Literature Classroom. NCDE Third-Level Conference: Teaching Social Justice at Third Level; Content, Context and Methods, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, 1-2 March 2002.
- Between Political Emancipation and Conservatism: "Fortschrittskritik" in East German Nature Poetry. Northeast Modern Language (NEMLA) Panels 2001, Hartford, Connecticut, 30-31 March 2001.
- The Roots of the East German Green Movement: Fortschrittskritik in the 1950s. International Conference From Sturm und Drang to Baader-Meinhof: Counter-Cultures in Germany and Central Europe 1770-1990, Nottingham, 14-16 September 2001.
- Deconstructing Marxist-Leninist Historiography: Memories of National Socialism in East German Poetry of the 1950s and 1960s. Royal Irish Academy,National Committee for Modern Language Studies, 27th Annual Research Symposium on Cultural Memory. Dublin, 10-11 November 2000.
- Between Political Emancipation and Conservatism: East German "Green Poetry". International Conference on Writing the Environment. University of East London, London, 6-8 September 2000.
- A Metaphysical View of History: Attempts to Deconstruct Marxist-Leninist Historiography in the Poetry of Johannes Bobrowski , Sarah Kirsch and Günter Kunert. 26. New Hampshire Symposium on East German Literature and Society. Conway, NH, USA, 21-28 June 2000.
- Die Mythologisierung ostjüdischen Lebens in der Lyrik Johannes Bobrowskis 1952-1962. International Conference on Representations of Jews in German Literature since 1945. University of Ulster, Coleraine, 8-10 September 1999.
- Reclaiming the Land or Perpetuating the Colonialist Discourse? – Irish Identity in the Poetry of John Montague and Derek Mahon. Defining Colonies: Third International Galway Conference on Colonialism. NUI Galway, 17-20 June 1999.
- Memory and Identity in Contemporary Northern Irish Poetry. MIC In-House Research Colloquium on Memory, Story, Text - How the Margins Achieve a Voice. Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, 11 December 1998.
- "Eine Schattenfabel von den Verschuldungen": Deutsch-osteuropäische Geschichte in der Lyrik Johannes Bobrowskis ', invited paper and public roundtable discussion on Erinnerung und Zukunft. Johannes Bobrowski zu Ehren, chaired by Dr. Klaus Wagenbach, Johannes-Bobrowski-Society, Literarisches Colloquium Berlin, 8 April 2001. www.johannes-bobrowski-gesellschaft.de/jb/forschung.html
Peer Reviews
German Studies Review; Focus on German Studies; Quaderns de Filologia; Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik (ZiG); literaturkritik.de; Germanistik in Ireland; Journal of Contemporary European Studies; various collections of critical essays.
Book Reviews
Modern Language Review; Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik (ZiG); literaturkritik.de; Germanistik in Ireland; Journal of Contemporary European Studies.
Postgraduate Supervision (current)
Rebecca O’Grady, PhD by Research: Concepts of identity and homeland in 20th-century French and German literature; with Dr Mairéad Ní Bhriain (MIC).
Valentine Pic, PhD by Research: Female Characters in French and German Adaptations of "The Beauty and the Beast"; with Darach Sanfey (MIC)
Myron Schneider, PhD by Research (awarded Government of Ireland Scholarship): Rainald Goetz; with Prof. Carsten Dutt (Notre Dame); Dr Rachel MagShamhráin (UCC) . LoA
Postgraduate Supervision (completed)
Hanna Rompf, PhD by Research: Deutsch-jüdische Literatur der dritten Generation: Zur medialen Inszenierung multipler Identitäten [Third Generation German-Jewish Writing: On the Medial Staging of Multiple Identities]; with Prof. Sascha Feuchert (Gießen).
Sandra Wagner, PhD by Research: Monströse Romanzen und romantische Monster: Zum Zeitgeist der Millennial-Generation in deutschsprachigen Mash-Up Romanen. [Monstrous Romances and Romantic Monsters: Millennial Zeitgeist in German Mash-up Novels]; with Dr. Clemens Ruthner (TCD); graduation 2018.
Britta C. Jung, PhD by Research: Von National zu Transnational: Die Inszenierung von Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust in der zeitgenössischen Jugendliteratur [From National to Transnational: The Representation of National Socialism and the Holocaust in Contemporary Youth Literature] (Joint PhD MIC/University of Groningen; with Prof. Dr. Wara Wende (Groningen/Flensburg); Prof. Dr. Astrid Erll (Frankfurt/M.); graduation 2016.
Jeffrey Weiss, PhD by Research: Magdalenas Stimmen: Polyphone Erinnerung in Jürgen Fuchs' autofiktionalen Texten [Magdalena's voices: polyphonic memory in Jürgen Fuchs’ auto-fictional texts]; graduation 2014.
Aisling Murphy, MA by Research: The Primary School as a Plurilingual Community; with Dr. Helmut Grugger; Dr. Seán Ó Cathalláin (MIC); graduation 2016.
Catherine Bailey, MA by Research: Intercultural Awareness in Early Foreign Language Education in Irish Primary Schools: An Educational Objective and its Implementation; graduation 2002.
Postgraduate Co-Supervision (part co-supervised completed)
Inga Owesen, PhD by Research: Fantasies of Strong Women - The Transgression(s) of Gender and Power Concepts in German Fantasy Novels; (with Dr. Christiane Schönfeld (MIC).