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EDII Committees


The aim of MIC’s EDII infrastructure is to create a set of working groups/committees, policies and practices to support the embedding of EDII across MIC.

The EDII Office reports to the Equality Committee which is a sub-committee of An tÚdaras Rialiathe (Governing Authority). The team also works closely with the EDII Implementation Committee (sub-committee of the Equality Committee), as well as the MIC Executive Team. The overall aim of these committees is to oversee the strategic development and mainstreaming of EDII at MIC.

The Director of EDII is part of the 12-member MIC Executive Team that oversees all College decisions and meets monthly. EDII is a standing item on the agenda.

Core Meeting Times

It was agreed at Executive Team and noted at an t-Údaras Rialaithe in June 2020 that all core meeting times are to be between 10am-4pm. This is in support of Action 5.6.21 of our Gender Action Plan.

The important work of EDII is underpinned by the College's EDII Strategy.

Equality Committee

The work of the EDII Office reports quarterly to the Equality Committee that is sub-committee of An tÚdaras Rialiathe (Governing Authority). The aim of the Equality Committee is to create a workplace and learning environment of the highest quality, characterised by equality of access and opportunity, diversity and best practice in adherence to statutory provision for equality.  Membership of the Equality Committee includes the MIC President, MIC Vice President for Administration and Finance, Director of HR, Director of Student Life, President of MI Student’s Union, Representative of Professional Services and Academic Staff, EDII Manager and EDII Director and is Chaired by a member of An tÚdaras Rialiathe.

Equality Committee Terms of Reference.

Implementation Committee

The EDII Implementation Committee is a subcommittee of the Equality Committee and aims to oversee the strategic development and mainstreaming of EDII at MIC. Membership of this Committee includes the MIC Vice President Governance and Strategy, Director HR, Dean of Arts, Dean of Education, MIC Students' Union President, five EDII Champions and Chaired by the EDII Director. To convene the EDII Implementation Committee in September 2022, establish a quarterly annual meeting cycle, to create an action orientated approach towards the embedding of EDII across the College. 

EDII Implementation Committee Terms of Reference.

  • Overview
  • Equality Committee
  • Implementation Committee