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College Annual 1927 - 1962

Much of what we know of student activities in bygone years may be gleaned from accounts by past-students in the College Annuals.

In 1927, a group of enterprising students embarked on on the production of a Mary Immaculate College Annual. During its years of existence, the Annual informed its readers of general College news, recent developments, new trends in education, contributions from current and past pupils and various news items about the growing family of the past.

Passing on the Torch - a History of Mary Immaculate College 1898-1998 (Published 1998), pg 39.

In the 1934 issue, the students created a segment called 'The College Day', which portrayed the life of Mary Immaculate College students in a series of images of the activities undertaken in a day at the College.

The College Day segment from the College Annual 1934.
The College Day segment from the College Annual 1934.
The College Day segment from the College Annual 1934.
The College Day segment from the College Annual 1934.
The College Day segment from the College Annual 1934.
The College Day segment from the College Annual 1934.
The College Day segment from the College Annual 1934.
The College Day segment from the College Annual 1934.