Governance at MIC
Mary Immaculate College is a registered Charity (under Section 2 of the Charities Act, 1973) and operates under governance structures set out in a number of regulatory instruments. These documents are listed below, together with a description of the various bodies involved in the governance of the College.
Governance & Regulatory Instruments
The governance of the College is regulated, primarily, by two documents, the Scheme of Incorporation and the Instrument of Government. The Scheme of Incorporation sets out the role of An tÚdarás Rialaithe (the Governing Body of the College), which according to the Scheme is "the body appointed by the Board of Trustees to govern and control all the affairs of the College, subject to [the] Scheme of Incorporation and in accordance with the Instrument of Government approved by the Trustees".
The Instrument of Government is the document which sets out the structures and procedures for the governance and regulation of the College. The Universities Act (1997) requires that all universities adopt an Instrument of Government based on its provisions and, although MIC, as a College of Education, is not covered by this statute, it has adopted an instrument based on the Universities Act model, subject to the provisions of the Scheme of Incorporation.
View the Governance and Executive Committee Organisational Structure Chart here.
The Instrument of Government describes the role of the College President (Uachtarán) who is Chief Executive of the College. It also lists the bodies charged with governing and regulating the affairs of the College, in accordance with the Scheme of Incorporation, and details the role and membership of those bodies.
These include:
- An tÚdarás Rialaithe (Governing Authority) - Terms of Reference & Standing Orders
- An Chomhairle Acadúil (Academic Council) - Terms of Reference
- Audit and Risk Committee - Terms of Reference
- Equality Committee - Terms of Reference
- Faculty Management Committees
- Finance and Resource Committee - Terms of Reference
- Quality Committee - Terms of Reference
- An Bord Agallaimh (Interview Board)
- An Fhoireann Fheidhmiúcháin (Executive Team)

Gender Pay Gap Report 2022
The Gender Pay Gap Information Act 2021 requires organisations with more than 250 employees to report on their hourly gender pay gap across a range of metrics.
Organisations are required to select a snapshot date in the month of June. The snapshot date selected by MIC was 30 June. The MIC gender pay gap report 2022 is based on the staff employed by MIC on 30 June 2022, using data for the previous 12 months.
The gender pay gap measures the difference in hourly pay between all women in an organisation and all men in an organisation. The gender pay gap is not a measurement or indicator of equal pay.
Academic Linkage & Accreditation
In 1991, an academic linkage was established between Mary Immaculate College and the University of Limerick. This linkage provides for the academic accreditation, by the University of Limerick, of all university-level (NFQ Levels 6-10) programmes at MIC, with the exception of other arrangements jointly agreed by the College and the University. The terms of this linkage are set out in the Memorandum of Understanding in regard to the academic linkage between Mary Immaculate College and the University of Limerick.